Are you into social media??

Well, it’s something that can’t be ignored: social networks are so entertaining that they often consume people's lives. I have mixed opinions about social networks. A part of me hates them. I find them strange (truly, the people are strange…)

I hate that people expose their lives so easily in them. For example, I always find on facebook the time a person got up, what breakfast he had, the friends he called, the places he visited, the clothes he wore, etc.

And even worse is instagram. I hate that weird thing about "my story". It was one of the reasons that made me close instagram. However, I find that social networks are useful for communicating quickly. That's why my favorite social network is whatssap. I find that it’s easy to use and very useful network. It’s an instant chat that allows to communicate with people from all the world at any time, and where if people are intelligent, they can occupy with discretion.

Resultado de imagen para instagramResultado de imagen para whatsapp

I like facebook, but I also like to regulate the people I have in it. I'm not one of those people who have more than a thousand friends. On the contrary, I try to keep the real people with whom I communicate daily. They are the only two networks that I maintain...

Resultado de imagen para facebook

...I lie. There is a third network, which really is my favorite: YOUTUBE. I started to use this social media in 2006, because a dear cousin showed me this site. We have seen many videos on it, about music and football, principally. With the time, I have found the most incredible information of the internet: I began to play Timbals by youtube, and I have learned some of music too. Sometimes, before an evaluation, me and my classmates look for vídeos on youtube where teachers of all the world teach us the things that we need. It has more than 1,500 million active users in a month! It's crazy!

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  1. Youtube is the best social media ever created!! I really like Youtube. When I was about 12 years, in those years the "Copyright control" was very little in comparison with today, and in those times I could find to much music than can't find today. (Fuck IFPI)

    Take Care, Gabo Night!!

  2. You are right, i didn't think about it, but Youtube is the more usefull social media and also one of the funiests.


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