I’m studying to become a social worker. It has been a long, difficult road; full of difficulties but also very enriching.

I have learnt many lessons for my life. However, I must be honest. I can’t imagine myself working on something that I don’t feel any passion. Whatever I do, it has to have music and sports in it.

I have thought about this a couple of times, and it really makes me feel like being at a crossroads. Why am I studying Social Work then?

I decided to study social work because I wanted to transform society. It is a truly beautiful career; I can make a living, and help other people too. I believe I will be able to achieve it. So in order to make it possible, generating a different worldview is necessary.

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And the best thing about this, is that Social Work allows me to integrate other disciplines and knowledge to enrich the tasks of the profession (especially sports and music).

Going to the subject of my future work, I would like to work on something related to prisons. I would like to work on a project that uses music and sports for the reintegration of people deprived of their liberty.

In these four years of my career I had the opportunity to work with young people deprived of freedom in SENAME centers, and I also had the opportunity to visit the men's prison in Colina 2. Although reintegration is now more a horizon to be reached than a real possibility, music and sports provide incredible tools to generate profound changes in the lives of these people, who often don’t find an activity to know themselves.

So I imagine my future work. That's all folks!

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