The truth is that before starting English 4 I was a little scared. I'm a little insecure and I thought it could be a bad experience. However, throughout the semester I enjoyed many entertaining topics. I've always thought that learning English in a classroom, practicing only one day a week, and trying to talk to people who don’t really speak English (except the Professor and some classmates), isn’t a very good idea. I hope someday to live in a country where I have to speak English obligatorily.

Resultado de imagen para paises de habla inglesa

The classes of this course have been really very entertaining, and I have learned a lot. Anyway, I can’t speak fluently. I think writing is one of the skills I use best, but speaking English costs me a lot. And listening to English ..... uffff is the hardest thing for me. My only way to try to improve this is to watch many movies in English and listen to a lot of music in English too, trying to pay attention to the words, pronunciation, and ideas.

Resultado de imagen para aprendiendo inglés

I had to take English 3 and English 4, and the truth is that the teachers were very good at teaching. I had a great time and they were really very relaxed teachers, but with great teaching methods. I am left with a great feeling, since I thought it would be martyrdom, and finally I could entertain myself trying to learn English. This language, like it or not, can open us an infinity of doors to perform many activities that we like, know many countries, and learn a lot of things.

Thank you for all.


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