
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018


The truth is that before starting English 4 I was a little scared. I'm a little insecure and I thought it could be a bad experience. However, throughout the semester I enjoyed many entertaining topics. I've always thought that learning English in a classroom, practicing only one day a week, and trying to talk to people who don’t really speak English (except the Professor and some classmates), isn’t a very good idea. I hope someday to live in a country where I have to speak English obligatorily. The classes of this course have been really very entertaining, and I have learned a lot. Anyway, I can’t speak fluently. I think writing is one of the skills I use best, but speaking English costs me a lot. And listening to English ..... uffff is the hardest thing for me. My only way to try to improve this is to watch many movies in English and listen to a lot of music in English too, trying to pay attention to the words, pronunciation, and ideas . I had to take


This is my perfect opportunity to destroy this career!! Hahahahahaha It's just a joke. The truth is that Social Work has been an interesting option as professional training. The academic formation has had a very high level. However, I feel that the years of study could be reduced. I have no idea how this reduction can be achieved, since the number of courses in each semester would have to be reduced. Anyway, I would make the following changes: - We would not only have English classes. Each student would have to choose another alternative language during their 4 year career (yes!, only 4 years would last the career). I recommend two languages ​​in particular: Portuguese, considering that Brazil is probably the country with the most influence in Social Work today; and Mapudungun, because it is fundamental to study the language of the Mapuche people if we intend to contribute to the resolution of the conflicts of this people as social workers.          - Each semes


For me, public transportation must be free. I've thought about this a couple of times, and I think I have a good argument. Consider only Santiago de Chile, the city that mobilizes most people in the country. People are transported every day by metro or by bus to do three main things: 1) people travel by public transport to work; 2) people travel by public transport to study (in the case of younger people); 3) People travel by public transport to go buy / pay something. There are very few people who travel to visit someone, or because they go for a walk. So, if the vast majority of people go to work at a company where it contributes to increase the capital and money of an entrepreneur, or travel to study so that tomorrow have a good profession and also contribute to maintaining the labor system, or go directly to buy or pay your outstanding bills, then ... why, in addition to all this, should you pay for your ticket? We pay to go to work to increase the earnings o

Postgraduate studies (LATE)

At this point in my life, it's no surprise that I want to continue studying something related to music. First, I wanted to study an undergraduate, maybe “pedagogy in Music”, but along the days I have been understanding that I want to study singing, specifically. I consider myself a shy person, but I have the conviction that practice makes master. I feel that singing is a tool that has an infinity of benefits, but I rescue mainly two: it makes us safer people of ourselves, and allows us to have closeness with other people. This can be a very useful tool as a social work professional. For example, through singing, people deprived of their liberty can express the most intimate of their thoughts and feelings. Singing gives us the possibility of being an artistic character, but at the same time, of putting our voices at the service of emotions. Studying singing is one of the first things I will do once I finish my undergraduate studies in social work. I hope to study