This is my perfect opportunity to destroy this career!! Hahahahahaha It's just a joke. The truth is that Social Work has been an interesting option as professional training.
The academic formation has had a very high level. However, I feel that the years of study could be reduced. I have no idea how this reduction can be achieved, since the number of courses in each semester would have to be reduced.

Anyway, I would make the following changes:

- We would not only have English classes. Each student would have to choose another alternative language during their 4 year career (yes!, only 4 years would last the career). I recommend two languages ​​in particular: Portuguese, considering that Brazil is probably the country with the most influence in Social Work today; and Mapudungun, because it is fundamental to study the language of the Mapuche people if we intend to contribute to the resolution of the conflicts of this people as social workers.

Resultado de imagen para learning portuguese        Resultado de imagen para aprender mapuche

- Each semester would include the mandatory practice of a sport. It can be any type of sport: fitness, swimming, soccer, basketball, table tennis, Olympic gymnastics, etc. This in order to contribute to the health of each student.

Resultado de imagen para kristel kobrich

- Finally, as I have shown throughout all my publications in this blog, our career will include theoretical and practical subjects about Arts. Here, each student will have the freedom to choose their discipline (music, painting, sculpture, cinema, literature, etc.) and at the same time each semester will have a subject that relates Social Work and Arts (for example, social reintegration through narrative therapies).

Resultado de imagen para trabajo social y artes

Leaving being ambitious, the infrastructure of FACSO and the Campus is relevant for a project of these characteristics. 

I think that if the career includes these modifications, I will enter to study it again ...... again it’ s only a joke hhahahahahahahahaha


  1. I agree with you, but it's important that the university give real importance to this new subjects (of sports or language) because in the CFG you end up not paying attention because you have so much to do.

  2. You have my vote, President Gabo. I really would love a class about social work and arts, but well, here we are in the fourt year of the career and nothing!!
    Take care, dear.


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