
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018


Hello, classmates. Today I'm going to talk about the history of my music dreams!! When I was child, I began to play the guitar looking at my father. I think that I don't play very well, but I enjoy too much doing this. When I grew up, I started to play latin percusions (timbals, congas, güiro) "taking classes" with youtube videos, but at this time, my obsession was to sing. Then, I began to sing, although I still think that my voice isn't very tuned. With part of my family and with some friends, we formed a Classic Rock band. We covered songs like "Highway Star" (Deep Purple), "The Ocean" (Led Zeppelin), "Bark at the moon" (Ozzy Osbourne), etc. I think that this project was a disaster, but when we talk about this time with my family and friends, we  always    rebember it with much happiness.  After that, we met the key of success: the CUMBIA. Then, we turned round to this "new" musical style. I played timbals, and made sec

Youtube and Audiomusica

Well. I will talk about two websites that I really enjoy to much. The first, is  youtube  (www.youtube.com). I started to use this site in 2006, because a dear cousin showed me this site. We have seen many videos on it, about music and football, principally. With the time, I have found the most incredible information of the internet: I began to play Timbals by toutube, and I have learned some of music too. Sometimes, before an evaluation, me and my classmates look for vídeos on youtube where teachers of all the world teach us the things that we need. To learn about music on youtube has its cost: after to know a new musical instrument, I want to have it! It's a great problem, cause i'm a student, and haven't to much money to buy it. I think that to play music in this country is really expensive. The pr ice s of the musicals instruments are so high truely. In spite of that, I like to see this prices in a specifical shop, called  Audiomusica . For this reason, I am often
Quinta Show is a band started by my brother Juan Pablo (on the right, with a blue guitar), by Roberto (next to my brother, playing that "strange" instrument called  Baby Bass ), and by me, using sunglasses, playing timbals in the background). In this group also touches my dad (to the far left, playing that black guitar). The other members are David on keyboards, Carolina in  güira  and choirs, Agustín in the voice, and Gerardo in the congas (he is behind my brother). It is a family group, where friendship and fun is the best thing. We usually get together to play various musical styles at least two days a week. This photo was taken in 2013 by Valentina (David's girlfriend, our keyboardist) during a party at the Law School of the University of Chile, in the year 2013. It is a very important photo for me, since it is a great record where my father, my brother, me and my friends, are doing what we most like to do: to play music. That day was really beautiful and people lov

Remenbering good times!!

I want tell you about Brazil. In 2014, I had the opportunity to visit Rio do Janeiro. My brother, my cousin, and me, were going to the football world cup. We loved this city! The first thing that we did, was to go to Copacabana, an amazing beach with precious palms, vast miles of beautiful sea, and the best of all, many friendly people. The Brazilian men and women are the nicest people that I have known. They invited us to their houses and wanted to celebrate with us in the street drinking some beers.  For them, the football world cup has been for always a very important party. I think that in Rio, the mix of football and music produce in Brazilian people happiness with no equal. Maybe the mixture of those things made Brazil, and Rio especially, my favorite place to visit. Walking on the principal Copacabana street (I don’t remember its name), we saw the most extraordinary things. There was a great Batucada where many people played theirs musical instruments. We also saw men a