Youtube and Audiomusica

Well. I will talk about two websites that I really enjoy to much. The first, is youtube ( I started to use this site in 2006, because a dear cousin showed me this site. We have seen many videos on it, about music and football, principally. With the time, I have found the most incredible information of the internet: I began to play Timbals by toutube, and I have learned some of music too. Sometimes, before an evaluation, me and my classmates look for vídeos on youtube where teachers of all the world teach us the things that we need.

To learn about music on youtube has its cost: after to know a new musical instrument, I want to have it! It's a great problem, cause i'm a student, and haven't to much money to buy it. I think that to play music in this country is really expensive. The prices of the musicals instruments are so high truely. In spite of that, I like to see this prices in a specifical shop, called Audiomusica. For this reason, I am often seeing the website There, I know the price of differents microphones, synthesizer, keyboards, and guitar and bass effects. It's really an amazing world.+


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