A country I'd like to visit: the land of Latin American Superstar!!

Hello class. I’m here again…writing for English 4, the last subject of this adventure. Well, I’d like to visit Mexico. And not only visit it. I want to live there for some time. Perhaps one or two semesters. The first reason why I want to live there, is because I want to study music. Some time ago, I didn’t like the Mexican musicians. Truly, I hadn’t the provision to hear Mexican music….

Through the years (and the partys…) I began to hear “Corridos Mexicanos”. In this way, I started to get to know Antonio Aguilar, José Alfredo Jiménez, Vicente Fernández, and the great Chavela Vargas. I thinked “Wow!...one more time the life showed me I made a big mistake: before, I laughed at these songs; now, I really appreciate the voices of the singers, and their musical quality. At this moment, all was in order. But I really loved the Mexican music when I heard these two monsters of world music: Juan Gabriel and Luis Miguel hahahahahaha. I know that people make critics about these artists, but I believe the following: they don’t know what good music is hahahahaha. Then, I wanted only one thing: study music in Mexico, and learn their methods and techniques. Really Mexico always give us a new superstar from time to time. Well, this is the reason why I want to spend some time in Mexico, the land of Latin American Superstar!!


  1. hahaha a greats sons in the mexican music! is true! , me too think visit this country for studyng in the UNAM and meet the culture. Recently i saw a movie "Coco" and i love it more this country.

  2. Juan Gabriel doesn't really like me like a musician. If once in my lifetime I visit Mexico, I really want to go to a concert of Cafe Tacvba.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga5Bo4YdgH4


  3. You are right! some people laught at these artists, but, in fact, they never get out of fashion, and we have a lot to learn from their quality and the way that they represent their culture.


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