Is time to talk about Slam Dunk. This is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue about a basketball team from Shohoku High School. It was serialized from 1990 to 1996. It was adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation.

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I always have practiced sports, and I loved the realism with which life happens in this series. For example, teammates fight each other in games; some players are injured and must be replaced; sometimes the matches are about to be lost, but they go back at the last minute; and a series of things that really happens in sports of this kind.

Resultado de imagen para lesion en slam dunk serie

The protagonist is Hanamichi Sakuragi, and he has a very special personality. He is a beginner in this sport, but he is convinced that he is the most talented player in the world. As the story progresses, Hanamichi learns many lessons for his life.

Resultado de imagen para hanamichi sakuragi i'm very talented

There is a very special scene in which Mitsui - the former No. 1 player in Japan - is turned into a delinquent and returns to the gym to hit and fight shohoku players. When he sees Professor Ansai (the coach of the Shohoku team) enter, Mitsui breaks down in tears and asks the coach to retrain with the team. This scene is really wonderful!

Resultado de imagen para mitsui llorando

The truth is that I haven’t seen many animé series in my life, but the few I've seen have been great. I think that generally, Japanese animé series propose other values ​​of life. In Slam Dunk I liked very much that there were different perceptions about the "rivals". For example, Hanamichi Sakuragi wanted to crush his rivals being "better than them" in the special basketball moves. Rukawa, the current most talented player, trained in silence every day to be prepared. And Akagi, the captain of the basketball team, saw in his rivals the opportunity to learn from them and improve his sports techniques. Without a doubt, it is a series that leaves many teachings, especially for people who practice a team sport.

Resultado de imagen para hanamichi clavada


  1. Hi gabo! I never saw Slam dunk but my cousins ​​saw it a lot, so I know something haha

  2. Gabo I love Slam Dunk with all my heart. I love this particular scene:

    :'( Regards, dear


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